Haviland Friends Church

Love God Love People

Archive for the day “March 23, 2018”

Heading into the weekend…

This Sunday’s Service March 25, 2018


Scripture Reading

OT   Psalm 118:19-29   NT   Mark 11:1-11


Ushers: Jerry Hickey, Marshall Ballard, Stan Troyer, Joel Halverstadt

Cry Room (back of Sanctuary): Open for parents (not staffed)

0 – 23 mo Upstairs Toddler Nursery: Toney & Ashley Hatton

24 mo – 3 yrs Downstairs Nursery: Jeremie & Stacy Frazier

Pre-School Children’s Church: Mary Lothman, Karina Martinez


Ushers: Ed Davis, Elmer Davis, Denny Ross, John Bertram

Cry Room (back of Sanctuary): Open for parents (not staffed)

0 – 23 mo Upstairs Toddler Nursery: Diane & Myah Thompson

24 mo – 3 yrs Downstairs Nursery: Doris Ferguson, Ben Stewart

Pre-School Children’s Church: Traci Ballard

Kids need to turn in their Red Wheel packets this Sunday, March 25. Thank you for all your support!

Easter Sunday Brunch! April 1 from 9:15-10:15am. We would ask that those with the last initials A-G bring fruits, H-N please bring breads, and O-Z bring casseroles. If you can help  in the kitchen or set up for the brunch Easter morning please contact the office or Gail Jorgensen. There will be no Sunday School on Easter Sunday.

Meet with your Everence Financial Advisor! Everence® Financial Advisor Scott Luty will be visiting several churches in Meade, Haviland and Greensburg on April 4 and 5 to review clients’ accounts and meet with others interested in discussing their financial planning needs. To schedule a meeting with Scott, please contact Sandy Popp at (877) 893-8647 or sandy.popp@everence.com.

Looking Ahead: Mid-America Yearly Meeting Friends Women Retreat in Wichita September 21-23. Special speaker Brockie Follette!

You are invited to Sarah Penna’s 100th Birthday reception & card shower! It is Saturday, April 7, from 3:00-5:00pm (come and go) at the Youth Room.

Mark your calendars for April 15 to hear the youth and leaders share in our worship service about their spring break missions trip in Mexico. This will be a family Sunday (no preschool or K-5th children’s church).

FROM HFC EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: The Executive Committee at HFC has been challenged by the news that EFC-R churches in Rwanda are being forced to close due to recent laws that have set new standards for church buildings. We have chosen to come alongside our Rwandan Friends and help fund this emergency need with a gift of $2,000.00.

Now we challenge you, as fellow mission supporters, to match that gift. All donations, large or small, that will add up to $2000.00 will be doubled. Haviland Friends gift to our brothers and sisters in Christ in Rwanda could total up to $4,000.00! You can be a big part of keeping church doors open and preventing more church closures by giving today!  If you would like to give you may:

Give a check made out to HFC and designated as EFC-R

Donate by credit card over the phone at 303-421-8100

Haviland Friends Church Bible Quiz Team


The HFC Bible Quiz team would like to invite the congregation and community to attend a bake sale and mock quiz meet on April 15 at 3:00pm in the church basement.

While the Quiz Program is generously supported by the church, the team would like to raise funds to help offset extra costs on their trip to finals in Friendswood, Texas. In doing so, they would also like to provide you an opportunity to watch them quiz.

Ways to help:

  1. Pray for these quizzers as they prepare, travel, quiz and live with the Word of the Lord in their hearts.
  2. Attend the mock quiz to show your support – free will donations will be accepted.
  3. Enjoy a desert from the bake sale as you watch the quiz.
  4. Put together your own team of 2-4 players and try to quiz against HFC Quiz Team.  Questions will come from Matthew 15-17.   ($15 per team)

To register a team, please contact Katherine Sneed at 620-518-3058. Registration deadline is April 9.

A special Easter offering will be taken up for the support of our ministry in Sinaloa specifically to bless the children’s ministry lead by the Hughes.

Wednesday Night Activities! 

5:30-6:00pm Community Meal (basement)

6:00-7:30pm Faithweavers (Sanctuary and basement)

6:00-7:30pm Junior High Youth Group (Youth Room)

7:45-9:30pm High School Youth Group (Youth Room)

6:30-7:30pm Bible study at Ron and Lois Kendall’s house. The study is over 1 Corinthians and led by Gene Pickard.


Youth Pastor Search Committee

Todd Follette, Ryan Haase, Kaye Hardinger, Steve Davis, KC Lingafelter and Trent Jacks

Pray for the pastors and staff at HFC

  • Todd and Brockie Follette, Cadie, Christa, Craig & Brooke and Clinton, Renae and Bryce
  • KC and Brad Lingafelter, Shayna, Sierra, Seth, Shelby, Sawyer & Selah

Pray for the Leadership: Trent Jacks, Ryan Haase, Steve Davis, DeWayne Bryan, Keith White, Ryan Oren, Kaye Hardinger, Gary Jorgensen, Glenn Leppert and Lois Kendall

Pray for Barclay College

Pray for the upcoming accreditation visit from the Higher Learning Commission for regional accreditation this spring.

Pray for Home Again

Pray for the director and staff as they minister to these dear people.

Pray for Siete Ejidos, Sinaloa

Pray for Anthony and Micaiah Hughes and their family in Mexico.

Pray for Youth Core Ministries

Pray for expansion, finances, staff and students that are being ministered to.

Pray for the Haviland Rehabilitation Center      

Pray for the ones meeting for worship with the residents and for continued listening for God’s voice and seeking the Lord.


Women’s Bible Study 9:15-10:10am (at Follette’s home) will resume April 8

9:30-10:15am Sunday School hour at the church

Room 111- led by Dr. Glenn Leppert & Dr. Fred Johnson

Children’s Sunday School Age 3-5th grade

Junior High – Children’s Ministry Office Upstairs

High School/Young adult/College – Youth room


Bible study meets at Ron and Lois Kendall’s house from 6:30-7:30pm. The study is over 1 Corinthians and led by Gene Pickard.

To find current events in our regional area go to http://www.efcmaym.org.

To find current events with our missionaries, go to http://www.friendsmission.com.


Group Life 9:30 a.m.

Sunday School | Community Groups 9:30 a.m.

Fellowship Time 10:00-10:20 a.m.

Morning Worship 10:30 a.m.

Nursery is provided for children ages 0-3.

Children’s Church is available for children 3 years old through 5th grade in the Fellowship Hall.

Sunday Morning Services are broadcast live on the Website by clicking the HFC “LIVE” link on the welcome page



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